Hi Scawen,
while I agree with the most of things and with the thing that having bigger team sometimes might bring more issue then results there are some areas where LFS stand behind. For example the graphic engine.While you have made wonderfull work and it seems you juiced ther DX8 engine to the max probably there can be done much more in this area and some Sims/semi-sims are before LFS.The sound engine.There are missing a lot of sounds coming usually from racing cars and other sims have that too.
I think having dedicated person - some help from your friend(s) just for 3D engine would let you focus on the important things like physic engine and other things.You must know as well that graphic sell things a lot and good 3D engine can add to the realisim of the simulator a lot.
Anyway...I will end it.You made so far amazing work
I would not buy the DVD-D dual link cable 1st.I proposed it as solution but I am not certain about that(you almost never can be with PC stuff).
I would try to use the VGA cable with adaptor first as I guess you have that cable and adaptor already.No need the adaptor in case you graphic cvard have already one analog output.If you have just DVI output on the card then the adapter is needed.
The power saving mechanism for notebooks are included in BIOS usually for many notebooks so this is something to check as well.It might cause the performance drop.
Also notebook have usually integrated graphic cards which take GPU memoru from the main system memory.IF you have like 512MB ram this might be the issue as well.Something takes windows XP(depened on your configuration and programs running),something take the GPU from the main memory and there can then not too much left for the games running.Be aware of that!!!
IF you have XP and GPU take memory from the main memory then 1GB is minimal.
For Vista I would consider 2GB is minimal as Vista takes after start usually 500-700MB of memory!!!
the new driver is not yet because they spend most of the time to get finally some decent driver for HD 2900XT.Thats it.
even it has been reported already we need more reports made to ATI.The more they will see it the higher chance it will get upper on their list of things to fix.
No problem,
when the right time will come, dig this thread again and send me PM too as my old brain will definately forget.I am always here glad to help to people who deserver it.
With some small modification another 50 and maybe even 100GBP could be saved easily and still having nice system.
Dont buy Pentium D processors even they are dual cores.They are the 3rd slowest dual-core processors on market after the Intel C2D and AMD Athlon 64 X2.Yould would threw the money for the Pentium D out of the window.
1GB of memory is not enough for smooth Vista running.You need at least 2GB if you want gaming on Vista.Also gaming on Vista makes 10-50 percent FPS drop in some games.Yes,its really sad.
Upgrading the exisitng system would not help a lot as LFS is very CPU intensive game so new graphic card would not boost FPS but only add possiblity to you AA+AF.Also you would need to upgrade the PSU probably as well.
That Packard system above.No way as its so overpriced.I always prefer custom built PC as you get much more for the money you spend.If you cant built it your self as I see its your case there is alway someone who can do it for you and it will be still pretty cheap way.
I dont know if that company will built also the system from the components(I heard the Overclockers have very good reputation in UK) if you wish so but I guess somebody would do that for 80GBP.I dont know how it works in UK and what is the usual price for building the PC from components in your country.If 80GBP is not enought then we can change the spec a bit lower but its still several times better machine then the Packard one.Vista home cost around 65GBP in UK if I am not mistaken.
The road looks a bit better but you have done better job on other track.I like the Blackwood one more.
The white strip on curbs has still some places which are way to bright.The other strip bars looks somehow too colorfull.I would try to desaturate the texture a bit.I think it might help.Dunno as I dont have that texture file.
I would try imitating the old curbs but with the ripple idea and being hires.
Several things to mentioned when you gaming on notebook.
1) If you run on batteries the notebooks clocks down CPU and GPU so the batteris are not drained a lot.
2) Shutdown every powersaving futures.The one who has P4 ,disable the HT in BIOS as well.
3) I have checked how LFS use procesor and sometimes it goes realy to low ususage so it might happend that CPU clockdown a bit and it might cause FPS issue drop.
P.S:Harjun...you becoming a troll on this forum.Please stop hijacking the threads.
If you have a problem create your own thread but please stop disturbing other people.I am always here to help but its becoming very annyoing from your side.You should get warning from moderator.Try to think a bit about what you doing.
Glad it worked.
I am very pissed by NVIDIA for ignoring their customers.The last official 93.71 driver for windows XP is several month old and it has a lot of bugs.The one with New cntrol panel loading several minutes is there as well.I feel like that left XP users in dust.
I am curious what system spec you have.I see you have max setting and AA+AF.
At me it draw like 20 FPS often and I even cant use any AA.I also run at only 1024*768 res.I have A64 3200+,2x512MB ram and 7900GT running at 7950 frequencies.
What driver version you use and what OS system you running on?
I know that some latest version of NVIDIA drivers are buggy with control panel opening like 1-2 minute.I definately know that 93.71 version does it with some system config.If you switch it to the older looks its fine.
With the program from the below link you can access ALL the setting in the NVIDIA drivers.Also the hidden one including overclocking(do only at your own risk).
Could you report again please.I know it sounds stupid as you did already but we need to hammering them so they start dping something about it..Its the driver issue.Maybe some sort of disfunction AA+DX8.Dunno.ATI would need to test it.
In most part of the world is used KMPH so I dont see a problem with that.
Its same like english got after the second world war the most used language and I dont see a problem with that as well.
I understand the confusion with KMPH thougt.Would feel the same when I would be driving in country using MPH.
i think it might be simmilar issue like the other guys having on ATI cards.
It seems the AA doesnt work properly with LFS.I think some of the code in drivers is broken.
Please report at ATI(AMD) pages like Sniiki did.The more guys will raise a ticket about LFS and AA issue the more attention it will get.
In the second lind some guy having problem running LFS at 32bit mode at native resolution of his LCD.There might be combination of both in LFS. 32bit rendering issue and AA.